Unit 7.1 - CLI

Exercise 7.1.1: Build a command line interface with clap

Write a command line interface to for the prepared "gumpiball" project. It can run a simulation of moving 2d balls confined in a box (the balls dont interact with each other). It either animates the simulation in a window or saves the trajectories of balls to a svg file:

Use clap to add a command line interface to src/main.rs.

The interface should be able to do the following:

  • Show the usage:

    gumpiball --help

    You will get this for free when using clap,

  • Run an animation with n (default: 20) balls in a window with dimensions <width> x <height> (defaults: 400.0 and 400.0):

    gumpiball ui [-n <n>] [--width <width>] [--height <height>] [--paused]

    For parsed width, height, n, paused (boolean flag if omitted defaults to false), this corresponds to

    let animation = crate::animation::Animation::new(width, height, n);
    crate::ui::run(animation, paused)?;
  • Load an animation setup from a json file, run it in memory and save the trajectory to a svg file:

    gumpiball trace -o <out> <config> [--dt <timestep>] [-n <n_snapshots>]

    For parsed out and config (json file), dt, n, this corresponds to

    let animation =
    let trajectory = crate::animation::Trajectory::track(animation, 0.,
    n as f64 * dt, dt);
    crate::graphics::svg::save_to_svg(&trajectory, &std::path::PathBuf::from(out))?;