from IPython.core.display import HTML
HTML(open("custom.html", "r").read())
:¶When we replace the square brackets of a list comprehension by round brackets, we get a so called generator expression:
li = (i * i for i in range(99999) if i % 7 == 0)
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x107502260>
Such a generator expressions can be considered as a "lazy" list comprehension. This means the list is not created in memory, instead elements are created on demand when we iterate over this generator:
for i, element in enumerate(li):
if i == 3:
0 49 196 441
This generator can be continued:
for i, element in enumerate(li):
if i <= 3:
784 1225 1764 2401
And after one pass the iterator is "exhausted":
for element in li:
Such iterators can save a lot of memory compared to lists and can be used to declare a data processing pipeline with little memory overhead in a clear way:
even_numbers = (i for i in range(1_000_000) if i % 2 == 0)
squared = (i ** 2 for i in even_numbers)
first_ten = (next(squared) for _ in range(10)) # next(.) returns next element in iteration
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x107502810>
[0, 4, 16, 36, 64, 100, 144, 196, 256, 324]
The keyword yield
in the following example declares a generator, not a function:
def numbers():
yield 1
yield 2
Calling numbers()
does not work like a function call, but returns a generator:
<generator object numbers at 0x107502ab0>
As you can see calling such a generator
does not execute the function body but returns a genertor object, similar to what we have seen above.
Such a generator can be used like an iterator:
for x in numbers():
print("x is", x)
a x is 1 b x is 2 c
iterator = numbers()
a 1
So calling numbers()
does not run any statement of the code after def numbers()
. The first iteration prints a
and yields 1
. The second iteration prints b
and yields 2
the next iteration prints c
and as the code block ends iteration stops.
b 2
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- StopIteration Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[13], line 1 ----> 1 print(next(iterator)) StopIteration:
def numbers():
# infinite generator!!!!
i = 0
while True:
yield i
i += 1
def blocks_of_size(n, iterator):
while True:
block = [next(iterator) for _ in range(n)]
yield block
def average(block_iterator):
for block in block_iterator:
yield sum(block) / len(block)
pipeline = average(blocks_of_size(5, numbers()))
for _ in range(5):
2.0 7.0 12.0 17.0 22.0
The standard library containes a module intertools
which offers a rich set of predefined iterators and tools to work with iterators.
import itertools
# infinite counting iterator:
c = itertools.count()
0 1 2
c = itertools.cycle(range(3))
print([next(c) for _ in range(10)])
[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0]
c = itertools.product(range(2), range(3))
for item in c:
(0, 0) (0, 1) (0, 2) (1, 0) (1, 1) (1, 2)
c = itertools.zip_longest(range(4), range(3), "ab")
for item in c:
(0, 0, 'a') (1, 1, 'b') (2, 2, None) (3, None, None)
Repeat the examples and play with them.
Write a function chain
which takes an arbitrary number of iterators and iterates over all of them, one after each other. E.g.
for value in chain([1, 2, 3], (i**2 for i in range(3), (7, 8)):
print(value, end=" ")
1 2 3 1 4 9 7 8