Some proposed solutions

Exercise 2

You need a temporary variable for swapping two values without loosing values:

x <- a
a <- b
b <- x

This is an advanced trick without an additional variable:

a <- a + b
b <- a - b
a <- a - b

Exercise 5.1

To compute the squares of the numbers you have to modify the update statement of acc:

i ← 0
acc ← 0
   i ← i + 1
   acc ← acc + i * i

Exercise 5.2

For computing the product you have to modify the update rule for acc as shown below and you have to start with acc ← 1:

i ← 0
acc ← 1
   i ← i + 1
   acc ← acc * i

Exercise 5.3

The snippet computes $2^n$

Exercise 6

The sequence of values for i and acc is:

i   acc
0   0
1   0
2   2
3   2
4   6