def init_board():
return [[" ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " "]]
def print_board(board):
print(" | 1 2 3")
for i, row in enumerate(board):
print("ABC"[i], "|", end=" ")
for cell in row:
if cell == " ":
cell = "."
print(cell, end=" ")
board = init_board()
board[1][1] = "X"
board[0][2] = "Y"
def ask_position(symbol):
while True:
position = input("player {} please provide position [A-C1-3, x to quit]: ".format(symbol)).upper()
if position == "X":
return position
if len(position) == 2 and position[0] in "ABC" and position[1] in "123":
return position
print("invalid input try again")
def position_to_coordinates(position):
"""transforms A1 -> (0, 0) and so on"""
assert len(position) == 2
assert isinstance(position, str)
row, col = position
x = {"A": 0, "B": 1, "C": 2}[row]
y = {"1": 0, "2": 1, "3": 2}[col]
return x, y
assert position_to_coordinates("A1") == (0, 0)
assert position_to_coordinates("A2") == (0, 1)
assert position_to_coordinates("A3") == (0, 2)
assert position_to_coordinates("B1") == (1, 0)
assert position_to_coordinates("B2") == (1, 1)
assert position_to_coordinates("B3") == (1, 2)
assert position_to_coordinates("C1") == (2, 0)
assert position_to_coordinates("C2") == (2, 1)
assert position_to_coordinates("C3") == (2, 2)
def place_symbol(board, symbol):
while True:
position = ask_position(symbol)
if position == "X":
return True
x, y = position_to_coordinates(position)
if board[x][y] == " ":
board[x][y] = symbol
return False
print("this position is already taken")
def check_winner(board):
# check if a single row has same symbols:
for row in board:
if row[0] == row[1] == row[2]:
if row[0] != " ":
return row[0]
# check if a single column as same symbols:
for col_idx in (0, 1, 2):
cells = [board[row_idx][col_idx] for row_idx in (0, 1, 2)]
if cells[0] == cells[1] == cells[2]:
if cells[0] != " ":
return cells[0]
# check diagonals:
if board[0][0] == board[1][1] == board[2][2]:
if board[0][0] != " ":
return board[0][0]
if board[2][0] == board[1][1] == board[0][2]:
if board[2][0] != " ":
return board[2][0]
return None
assert check_winner([" ", " ", " "]) is None
assert check_winner(["XXX", " ", " "]) == "X"
assert check_winner([" ", "XXX", " "]) == "X"
assert check_winner([" ", " ", "XXX"]) == "X"
assert check_winner(["X ", "X ", "X "]) == "X"
assert check_winner([" X ", " X ", " X "]) == "X"
assert check_winner([" X", " X", " X"]) == "X"
assert check_winner(["X ", " X ", " X"]) == "X"
assert check_winner([" X", " X ", "X "]) == "X"
assert check_winner(["Y X", "YX ", "X Y"]) == "X"
def main():
board = init_board()
free_cells = 9
while True:
for symbol in "XY":
abort = place_symbol(board, symbol)
if abort:
free_cells -= 1
if free_cells == 0:
winner = check_winner(board)
if winner is not None:
print(winner, "wins")
As the number of possible board combinations is in the range of thousands we can use a brute force approach to let the computer learn how to play the game.
The following implementation is based on the idea from
The cocept is that we let the computer play against himself doing random moves until X or Y wins and we record if the boards which led to this result where benefitial for X or for Y.
The goal is to setup a mapping board" -> (score_x, score_y)
So for a given board, this mapping gives us numbers score_x
and score_y
. The higher the score_x
the better is the prospective for X
to win, the higher score_y
, the better the board is for Y
to win.
We start with scores (0, 0)
for all possible boards.
One random play updates scores as follows:
Later we can use the mapping board -> (score_x, score_y)
to choose a good move:
Lets say it's X
turn. The strategy is to iterate over all possible "subsequent boards" by testing X
at every empty position. We choose the board with the highest score for X
def key(board):
# list of lists to tuple of tuples, so we can use board
# as a key in a dictinary
return tuple(tuple(cell for cell in row) for row in board)
Slightly modified version to ease debugging:
def print_board(board, indent=""):
for i, row in enumerate(board):
print(indent, end="")
for cell in row:
if cell == " ":
cell = "."
print(cell, end=" ")
import random
def place_random(board, player):
free = [(i, j) for j in range(3) for i in range(3) if board[i][j] == " "]
i, j = random.choice(free)
board[i][j] = player
def update_score_mapping(winner, boards_played, score_mapping):
for k in boards_played:
score_x, score_y = score_mapping.get(k, (0, 0))
if winner == 'Y':
score_y += 1
score_x -= 1
score_x += 1
score_y -= 1
score_mapping[k] = (score_x, score_y)
def random_play(score_mapping):
board = init_board()
if random.random() > 0.5:
choices = 'XY'
choices = 'YX'
boards_played = []
for i in range(9):
player = choices[i % 2]
place_random(board, player)
winner = check_winner(board)
if winner is not None:
update_score_mapping(winner, boards_played, score_mapping)
def learn(n=10000):
score_mapping = {}
for _ in range(n):
return score_mapping
# this runs for a long time
score_mapping = learn(700000)
Now an example how we can use multiple cores to compute the score_mapping
for many simulations in parallel:
# this runs on my machine (i7, 8 cores) in about 50 seconds:
import multiprocessing
import time
print('start learning')
started = time.time()
n_cores = 7
n_learn_per_core = 300000
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(n_cores)
# we call learn(n_learn_per_core) "n_cores" times in parallel:
score_mappings =, (n_learn_per_core,) * n_cores)
# merge "n_cores" different score mappings to single mapping:
score_mapping = score_mappings[0]
for sm in score_mappings[1:]:
for k, value in sm.items():
sx, sy = score_mapping.get(k, (0, 0))
sx += value[0]
sy += value[1]
score_mapping[k] = (sx, sy)
needed = time.time() - started
minutes, seconds = divmod(needed, 60)
print("needed {} minutes and {:.1f} seconds".format(minutes, seconds))
# this runs a while:
# score_mapping = learn(1000000)
# print a view boards + scores:
for board in list(score_mapping.keys())[:5]:
score_x, score_y = score_mapping[board]
print("score_x = {}, score_y = {}".format(score_x, score_y))
def copy(board):
return [row[:] for row in board]
def best_next(score_mapping, start_board, player, first=False):
free = [(i, j) for j in range(3) for i in range(3) if start_board[i][j] == " "]
if first:
# disallow center move for first move
free.remove((1, 1))
best_choice = None
best_score = -999999999
DEBUG = False
# we shuffle to randomize best move if multiple optimal boards with
# same score exist:
for i, j in free:
# we create a copy, so we don't need to undo symbol placements
# when iterating over possible empty positions
board = copy(start_board)
board[i][j] = player
winner = check_winner(board)
if winner == player:
return board
print('check board')
print_board(board, indent=" ")
k = key(board)
if player == 'X':
score_x, __ = score_mapping.get(k, (0, 0))
if DEBUG: print(' score X', score_x)
if score_x > best_score:
best_score = score_x
best_choice = board
__, score_y = score_mapping.get(k, (0, 0))
if DEBUG: print(' score Y', score_y)
if score_y > best_score:
best_score = score_y
best_choice = board
if DEBUG: print()
return best_choice
def play_computer_vs_computer(score_mapping):
board = init_board()
i = random.randint(0, 2)
j = random.randint(0, 2)
board[i][j] = 'X'
# board = best_next(score_mapping, board, 'X', first=True)
for _ in range(4):
board = best_next(score_mapping, board, 'Y')
winner = check_winner(board)
if winner is not None:
print(winner, 'wins')
board = best_next(score_mapping, board, 'X')
winner = check_winner(board)
if winner is not None:
print(winner, 'wins')
print("it's a tie")
def human_vs_computer():
board = init_board()
free_cells = 9
while True:
abort = place_symbol(board, "X")
if abort:
free_cells -= 1
if free_cells == 0:
winner = check_winner(board)
if winner is not None:
print(winner, "wins")
board = best_next(score_mapping, board, 'Y')
winner = check_winner(board)
if winner is not None:
print(winner, "wins")