I try to implement resuable and robust functions.

%matplotlib inline

import numpy as np
from urllib import request

def download(url):
    response = request.urlopen(url)
    data = response.read().decode("utf-8")

    lines = data.split("\n")
    t_data = []
    y_data = []

    for line in lines:
        if "time" in line:
        if line.strip():   # empty string is considered as False !
            t, y = line.split(" ")

    t_data = np.array(t_data)
    y_data = np.array(y_data)
    return t_data, y_data
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot

def logistic(t, K, P0, r):
    argument t:  vector of time values
    argument K:  first parameter to fit
    argument P0:  second parameter to fit
    argument r:  third parameter to fit
    returns:  vector of y values corresponding to given parameters
    # enable next line to see how the fitting algorithm iteratively
    # improves estimates for the parameters:
    # print("K={:10.3e}  P0={:10.3e}  r={:10.3e}".format(K, P0, r))
    ert = np.exp(r * t)
    return K * P0 * ert / (K + P0 * (ert - 1))

def fit_logistic(t_data, y_data, K_start=None, P0_start=None, r_start=None):
    assert len(t_data) > 0
    assert len(t_data) == len(y_data)
    # good starting values are important, if the user of the function has no
    # idea about the expected parameters, we try to come up with an guess.
    if K_start is None:
        K_start = max(y_data)   # estimate capacity
    if P0_start is None:
        P0_start = 0            # guessing here, don't know how to come up with an estimate
    if r_start is None:
        r_start = 1             # we assume as default that growth rate is not zero

    p_start = np.array([K_start, P0_start, r_start])

    # I use __ to indicate an unused variable:
    parameters, __ = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(logistic, t_data, y_data, p_start)
    return parameters

def plot_result(t_data, y_data, parameters):
    """we could also use separate arguments for K, P0, r. But so we have less function
    arguments, and we group to a "meaningful entity".
    K, P0, r = parameters
    pyplot.plot(t_data, y_data, "b*", label="measured")
    pyplot.plot(t_data, logistic(t_data, K, P0, r), "green", label="fitted")
    pyplot.legend(loc=2)  # upper left corner

t_data, y_data = download("https://siscourses.ethz.ch/python_challenges/logistic_data.txt")
parameters = fit_logistic(t_data, y_data)
plot_result(t_data, y_data, parameters)
[ 81.68035132   0.94410949   0.11008035]

The plot for the other data set looks broken:

t_data, y_data = download("https://siscourses.ethz.ch/python_challenges/logistic_data_multi.txt")
parameters = fit_logistic(t_data, y_data)
plot_result(t_data, y_data, parameters)
[ 81.34288669   0.98841434   0.10977646]

plot connects two consecutive pairs by a line in the given color. So what you see is that t_data is not sorted:

print(np.all(t_data == np.sort(t_data)))

To sort two vectors at the same time there are two solutions:

np.argsort does not sort the given data, but computes the permutation which would sort it:

permutation = np.argsort(t_data)
t_data = t_data[permutation]
y_data = y_data[permutation]
print(np.all(t_data == np.sort(t_data)))
[ 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34]

We also can use tuples.

To compare two tuples, the first element dominates, if first elements are the same, the second element dominates, and so on

print((0, 1, 2) < (1, 2, 3))
print((0, 1, 2) < (0, 2, 3))

So the next lines will also sort t_data and y_data according to the order of t_data:

data = zip(t_data , y_data)
data = sorted(data)
t_data = np.array([t for (t, y) in data])
y_data = np.array([y for (t, y) in data])
print(np.all(t_data == np.sort(t_data)))

Now the plot looks fine:

plot_result(t_data, y_data, parameters)