Exercises: Use files from /cluster/scratch/michalo/public Linux re-fresh: * connect with SSH to Euler * create a folder in your $HOME * create a folder in your $SCRATCH * create a file (touch) and edit the content * copy file to your laptop, edit it, copy back to Euler Bash: * Login to Euler * Create the bash script displaying "Hello world!" * Run the script * Use the command line parameters to display "Hello world, I am ..." * Create and run a script that modifies (copy, content change, etc) a file or several files Genomic formats and AWK: * Try and modify the all examples from the AWK slides Genomic software: * align the mini.fastq to the human reference genome using bowtie, create a BAM file * align the mini.fastq to the human reference genome using bowtie, create a SAM file * convert the SAM to BAM using samtools * using samtools, sort and index the BAM * find the transcripts in the BAM using cufflinks * on which chromosome are the discovered transcripts? * do the discovered transcripts overlap? * count the reads in genes using featureCounts and human GTF annotation * which genes have counts? RNA-seq with R: * Follow the R analysis from the jupyter notebook in terminal, RStudio or juyter * get the lists of differentially expressed genes